
Manufacturer Name Short Description Added
Gotharman EuroBoard MkII Gotharman EuroBoard MkII  Eurorack module for filter boards  Jun 8th 2023, 14:42 
Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer  Buffered Multiple with SynthCube Panel  Jul 11th 2017, 01:19 
Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer (Modular Addict Panel) Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer (Modular Addict Panel)  Barton Eurorack Buffer   Dec 11th 2015, 17:17 
Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer BMC037 Barton Musical Circuits Eurobuffer BMC037  4-channel, 1-3 Buffered Multiple  Aug 20th 2018, 22:29 
Other/unknown Eurobuss Other/unknown Eurobuss  Audio Scape Engineering - Eurobuss  May 17th, 03:10 
midiphy Euroceiver midiphy Euroceiver  midiphy SRIO and SPI expander  Dec 15th 2019, 16:56 
NoisyFruitsLab EuroDexed NoisyFruitsLab EuroDexed  MicroDexed-Touch for Eurorack  Jan 17th 2023, 20:11 
Circuit Abbey Euroduino Programmer Breakout Circuit Abbey Euroduino Programmer Breakout  Programmer Breakout for the Euroduino  Jan 16th 2015, 22:53 
ST Modular EuroKastle ST Modular EuroKastle  Bastl Instruments Kastle Eurorack Version  Apr 13th 2018, 11:13 
Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (Black) Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (Black)  Eurorack version of AS Oberkorn with Black Panel  Dec 4th 2013, 17:38 
Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (White) Analogue Solutions Eurokorn (White)  Eurorack version of AS Oberkorn with White Panel  Dec 4th 2013, 17:35 
crucFX EuRolz crucFX EuRolz  EuRolz - an interactive CV Modulation Source  Apr 14th 2021, 17:30 
Other/unknown Euromod Other/unknown Euromod  Smartphone to Eurorack interface  Feb 28th 2017, 22:02 
Allen Synthesis EuroPi Allen Synthesis EuroPi  Reprogrammable Multi-Function Controller  Nov 23rd 2021, 20:08 
Allen Synthesis EuroPi Prototype Allen Synthesis EuroPi Prototype  Reprogrammable Multi-Function Controller  Apr 26th 2021, 00:18 
Syinsi Eurorack Blank Panels 12 HP 1U (not compatible with Intellijel) Syinsi Eurorack Blank Panels 12 HP 1U (not compatible with Intellijel)  Eurorack Blank Panels 12 HP 1U (not compatible with Intellijel)  Feb 25th 2020, 02:44 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 10hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 10hp  10hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:08 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 12hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 12hp  12hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:06 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 20hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 20hp  20hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:05 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 2hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 2hp  2hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:13 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 4hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 4hp  4hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:12 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 6hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 6hp  6hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:11 
Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 8hp Other/unknown Eurorack Blank Panels 3u 8hp  8hp Blank Panel  Nov 6th 2022, 03:10 
Other/unknown Eurorack Breadboard Other/unknown Eurorack Breadboard  half breadboards, 5v and 4 double jumpers to 3.5mm jacks  Mar 8th 2018, 20:57 
Other/unknown Eurorack Breakout Other/unknown Eurorack Breakout  Midi  Jul 7th 2021, 00:58 
Synthrotek Eurorack Clock Capture Module Synthrotek Eurorack Clock Capture Module  CCM  Jun 2nd 2013, 14:31 
4ms Company Eurorack Noise Swash 4ms Company Eurorack Noise Swash  EuroSwash - Chaotic random noise-maker  Oct 14th 2012, 03:10 
Mazzatron Eurorack Patchbay Mazzatron Eurorack Patchbay  Eurorack Patchbay 1/8"-1/4"  Dec 15th 2020, 23:37 
Other/unknown Eurorack PMOD R3.1 Other/unknown Eurorack PMOD R3.1  FPGA eurorack module  Apr 14th 2023, 10:10 
Electronic Things... and Stuff Eurorack SMPS Electronic Things... and Stuff Eurorack SMPS  Power - The Switched Mode Power Supply  Jun 26th 2017, 10:41 
Pulp Logic Eurorack Tile Carrier Pulp Logic Eurorack Tile Carrier  PM-TCARRIER  May 5th 2013, 01:52 
Other/unknown Eurorat Other/unknown Eurorat  Classic Distortion  Jan 26th 2022, 17:46 
Pusherman Eurorick Pusherman Eurorick  Blank 18 hp  Sep 30th 2018, 21:15 
Plum Audio EuroScope EXPANDER Plum Audio EuroScope EXPANDER  Additional inputs for DSO 150 EuroScope   Jan 24th 2019, 19:15 
1010 Music euroshield 1 1010 Music euroshield 1  Synthesizer and Effects Development Board  Jul 13th 2018, 23:32 
BeepBoop Electronics Eurostack Sound system V1 BeepBoop Electronics Eurostack Sound system V1  Eurorack speaker module  Feb 3rd 2022, 19:16 
BeepBoop Electronics Eurostack Soundsystem V2 BeepBoop Electronics Eurostack Soundsystem V2  Eurorack speaker / transducer  Oct 14th 2022, 14:51 
Other/unknown Eurostrip Proto Panel Other/unknown Eurostrip Proto Panel  10hp Blind Panel  Jan 22nd 2020, 05:50 
Other/unknown eurotrash (mk2) Other/unknown eurotrash (mk2)   dual mono wav player  Aug 29th 2015, 09:33 
Other/unknown Eurotrash MkII Other/unknown Eurotrash MkII  dual mono cv controllable wav player  May 21st 2017, 08:18 
Million Machine March euroXfader Million Machine March euroXfader  innofader dropped into euro baby!  Apr 6th 2015, 21:34 
Other/unknown EUXOLOTI Other/unknown EUXOLOTI  Eurofied front panel for the Axoloti  Jan 12th 2016, 03:04 
Aemit EVC Filter Aemit EVC Filter  Everything Voltage Controlled 24 dB/oct. state variable filter.  Mar 5th 2018, 16:03 
Aemit EVC+ Aemit EVC+  Filter expander for two EVC filters.  Mar 5th 2018, 16:13 
Befaco Even VCO Befaco Even VCO  High Precision VCO with Octave Select  Aug 14th 2014, 19:33 
Befaco Even VCO Befaco Even VCO  High Precision VCO with Octave Select. Black panel  Oct 25th 2015, 19:43 
Northern Light Modular EvenMidi 3U – Model euEM Northern Light Modular EvenMidi 3U – Model euEM  Rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs  May 15th 2019, 12:10 
Rat King Modular Event Rat King Modular Event  VCO, envelope, slew limiter (portamento), waveshaper, LFO, envelope follower, from Rat King Modular  Jan 26th 2019, 22:32 
Million Machine March Eventide Space Million Machine March Eventide Space  Space converted to Euro!  Jan 31st 2017, 13:52 
Fruku Evi Fruku Evi  Envelope Follower & Inverter  Apr 24th 2022, 13:09 

Page 119 of 320, total 15986