12 HP
Current Draw
30 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$295 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

EM-402 Sunless City Transistor Ladder Filter

EM-402 Sunless City Transistor Ladder Filter is an exceptional transistor-based low-pass filter, featuring a switchable control for both 4-pole / 24 dB/oct and 3-pole 18dB/oct ranges. The module provides two signal inputs, as well as fixed and variable exponential CV inputs.

The Response control knob varies the shape of the filter’s resonance from pure low-pass to uninhibited self-oscillation, and may also be controlled via the variable CV input.


Model: EM-402

SKU: 400-0402

Dimensions: 12 HP (3U)

Panel: 2.00 mm Anodized Aluminum

Power: +/-12V | 30 mA

Ø 5.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 27th 2021, 02:31 by jonriley | last Change Feb 27th 2021, 02:53 by Lugia

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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?