I found 452 threads containing BEATS in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Spring Rolls LIVE Racks by 6 12261
Live Setup for Technoid sounds as well as sonic exploration... Racks by 3 63
Accidentally stumbled down the eurotrack, now what? Racks by 11 282
Basic Small Modular Design for Alt Tunings. Racks by 4 65
12hp left on this small portable 4u rack, help me fill it? Racks by 4 78
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 11 495
Experimental/Ambient/Soundscape Rack. Racks by 3 197
waves Racks by 5 1164
BWsonica Racks by 1 30
Ambient Module Discussion + Juno integration Racks by 10 225
help with my first Eurorack Racks by 4 143
I am confusion Racks by 2 45
Transitional helper rack Racks by 5 122
Where do I go from here? Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 2 54
Live Drum as Trigger --> Eurorack as Layer for acoustic drums Racks by 5 297
Does this Eurorack fit in my setup ? Racks by 4 11
Percussion / Tones / Sequencer rack Racks this user has left ModularGrid 1 3
Mother 32-based rack for beginner Racks by 4 122
104hp 7u live system - how's my research coming along? Racks by 12 742
E17 Rack Racks by 5 10
modulation(or other) ideas for my starter rack? Racks by 8 36
Half-way completed, tentative plans, hybrid setup with DAW Racks by 6 10
Noir Drum Machine Racks by 3 101
Beginner's Generative West Coast Performance Rack? Racks by 11 451
Ambient rack, 1st attempt almost happy and ready to start patching! Racks by 11 292
Thoughts on this drum rack Racks by 2 12
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
Generative Melody Robot friend for Microbrute to Follow me on Drums Racks by 2 11
First modular Racks by 12 230
after much thought and an octatrack Racks by 2 96
What is important when adding drums to your modular? Racks by 5 348
My Ultimate Eurorack (copied from dimleaffall) (copied from Lugia) Racks by 9 15
On the right track? Racks by 3 24
Hip Hop Modular Synth Racks by 3 671
DAMN YOU, ARTURIA!!!... Racks by 1 43
Look at my rack Racks by 13 56
THE CHUB Racks by 2 2
My First Modular Rig Racks by 1 10
8 x 197 + 4x84 1u 4 Nov Racks by 1 4
First Rack - Feedback Please Racks by 1 5
N00b - my basic setup, suggestions welcome! Racks by 1 ..
Berlin school - First modular Racks by 8 232
My falsest Eurorack - 96HP Pittsburgh Case Racks by 2 18
Rack in Action, Comments Welcome Racks by 3 3
My first steps in this (wallet) swamp.... Racks by 4 15
idiot buys a few modules and hopes for the best - Help Racks by 2 5
My actual first Eurorack Racks by 1 23
--My MOOG DFAM Eurorack--- What am I missing? Racks by 14 603
Tone Bender (imaginary sound mangling monster ARP 2600 with attitude) Racks by 2 19
live techno / beat step pro Racks by 1 18
My First Eurorack - Advice for Building the Next Row? Racks by 1 19
building a small gig, modular-groovebox Racks by 6 190
New rack idea - drums plus ambient synth Racks by 1 15
A bit of advice for my first modular! Racks by 1 1
My actual Plan v1 Racks by 2 13
Kill The Piano Racks by 9 9
For Consideration Racks by 1 1
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2612
45nm's DIY system Racks by 1 12
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
What would you add to my rack? Racks by 8 9
Lifeforms 301 - suggestions on filling last 24 HP Racks by 4 1
First rack as a sort of compliment/companion to the mother 32 Racks by 8 36
Techno modular - suggestions Racks by 6 198
Advice needed please? Racks by 6 43
Doepfer Low Cost - 6U (First Eurorack Setup) Racks by 4 22
John Somatix Rack - what next? Racks by 5 4
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 131
Let me know what you think! Racks by 1 5
Eurorack (+BeatStep Pro) Racks by 14 48
Functional Fuckery (hopefully) Racks by 21 23
My grey Eurorack Racks by 1 15
First Modular Racks by 16 16
bookmarks Racks by 3 130
Modular Drum Machine (trance oriented) Racks by 1 19
Modular Drum Rack Construction- Please Advise Racks by 1 6
Current rig (synth) Racks by 1 3
SYNTH Racks by 1 1
Pittsburgh Poliphony + Utility Racks by 3 7
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
Making Sound Machines Stolperbeats Modules by 1 1090
suggestions for a main (brain) sequencer? Modules by 10 293
Random*Source Dual Universal Slope Generator SERGE MODULAR DUSG Modules by 4 1383
Drum SEQ: Opinions/Experience/etc.. SWT16+ or Erica Modules by 7 189
late 80 - 90' House drums (Chicago, Acid, Deep) Modules by 6 126
SQ-1 functionality in a eurorack module? Modules by 13 363
Calibrating Rings / Knob positions? Modules by 4 92
Drum/trigger sequencer Modules by 11 231
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2931
Afterlater NRings v/oct doesnt work with BSP Modules by 10 166
Eurorack Sampler Modules by 8 188
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm (desktop 40hp) Modules by 9 2711
Real time sampling and mangling... Modules 14 623
Any Ornament and Crime experts out there? Modules by 13 659
Other VCAs Modules by 24 418
Beatstep Pro with Disting EX Modules by 13 207
intellijel Plonk problems Modules by 8 191
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3321
1010 Music Bitbox Micro Modules by 15 24607