I found 125 threads containing hub in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
12 Hp left and what to get for Christmas? Racks by 10 190
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
Seeking feedback for a 9u semi-generative system Racks by 7 196
My Matriarch Companion Racks by 1 110
Experienced software modular user planning the jump to hardware. Need feedback. Racks by 11 279
Thoughts? Racks by 6 150
"Mutable's End" - Rack Feedback? Racks by 13 560
Finally i fill my case !!! Racks by 9 318
Enough VCAs Racks by 8 466
So I'm currently ready to pull the trigger on chucking some modules into a niftycase. A... Racks by 8 229
is it possible to extend amperage headroom by running multiple power supplies parallel? Racks by 8 149
Feedback for small techno/drum rack Racks by 2 119
complete newbie needs help for starter rack Racks by 16 587
Modular madness aka yet another noobie rack idea Racks by 16 313
First Eurorack Racks by 35 687
Eurorack beginner, first ideas for Intellijel 4U 62HP rack Racks by 11 272
Stack cases ? Racks by 7 179
Best way to arrange my modules Racks by 21 468
My chubby Modcan A Racks by 1 42
Need you help... Racks by 5 105
My Ambient rack what would you get next,what do i need Racks by 16 527
VYGER|2405** Racks by 1 64
Ideas Machine + Hapax Racks by 1 842
INPUT Please: Creative FX Rack (Stereo) for Studio Synths. Sequenced by Hapax. Racks by 8 231
2nd Sequencer Thoughts? Pros/Cons of 2nd Moskwa? Racks by 8 153