I found 155 threads containing The Bat in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Newbie 1st Rack... Opinions/Suggestions GREATLY appreciated Racks by 3 114
Revamp Racks by 2 45
Expanding the minibrute 2s Racks by 16 1017
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 995
Is this any good? Racks by 14 320
First Ambient/Drone Rack Racks by 30 1226
First experimental/ambient rack Racks by 5 147
Ambient Rack - need some advice before I hit buy! Racks by 4 112
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Allmost finished rack, need some pro advice Racks by 15 184
Drone rack, thinking of adding another row Racks by 3 273
My First Row Racks by 10 309
Filter / VCA / Mod / Dist Racks by 4 136
Accidentally stumbled down the eurotrack, now what? Racks by 11 282
Help for choosing the next set of modules (Ambient/Generative) Racks by 4 401
XAOC Swewastopol II and ZADAR Modules by 4 179
fill the gap Racks by 5 119
My Ambient Eurorack Revision Racks by 5 173
Live rack Techno Racks by 22 904
Lugia where you at! - Beginner Rack Help (Ambient/house/techno/Berlin School) Racks by 7 279
MyStarterKit - What have I missed? Racks by 6 94
Ready to buy first modules - Ambient/chord soundscapes + some perc. Racks by 7 491
birdkids THE BATELEUR VCO Modules by 1 1084
Too heavy on the oscillators? Racks by 11 169
Rack layout question Racks by 10 92
phanta Racks by 8 360
Rack overhaul, opinions? Racks by 6 60
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
The Real Dulper - 6U & 3U Extensions for Minibrute 2S Racks by 14 366
Ambient rack, 1st attempt almost happy and ready to start patching! Racks by 11 292
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1038
please help my little pony Racks by 14 27
Best modules for random CV generation or "happy accidents"? Modules by 5 865
Advice on my first setup Racks by 4 9
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1402
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
I finally built it! Any opinions or advice? Racks by 21 92
Beginner asking for opinions. Racks by 3 15
Expanding to 84HP 9U 2018 Racks by 3 10
Other/unknown Xaoc Batumi DIY expander Modules by 19 141
Affordable bare bones portable modular setup Modular Discussions by 22 1377
Future Rack Feedback Racks by 5 19
A darker space You by 9 101
HappyFamily Racks by 3 78
First system Racks by 18 265
Present - Both racks (re-configed) - With what modules should I fill up the empty space... Racks by 2 2
Feedback on my rack Racks by 4 12
First rack - major help needed! Racks by 8 22
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
XAOC BATUMI Racks by 4 12
My first 2 Row Case Racks by 2 25
Percussion Rack With Modulation Via 4MS QCD Or Batumi Racks by 1 6
Newcomer lost in the infinite void of options Racks by 2 7
What would you add to my rack? Racks by 8 9
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 131