I found 15 threads containing Buchla 100 in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Serotinal (Buchla Music Easel) You by 8 120
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Something to consider... Modular Discussions by 5 158
How would you organise this? Racks by 19 297
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723
If you can't beat em, join em You by 9 87
Is the Behringer K-2 Eurorack-compatible? Modular Discussions by 21 746
Pharmasonic Tribute to the Roland System 700 Racks by 3 93
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
KICK ASS!!! for September 2018. Modules by 1 37
KICK ASS!!! for July 2018 Modules by 4 43
KICK ASS!!! for June 2018 Modules by 3 60
A darker space You by 9 101
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20