I found 735 threads containing the first in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
complexnonsense You by 5 131
Double Knot, Plumbutter, Board Chirper - more dorking around You by 9 79
Techno Jam for Hogmanay You by 10 80
Evening experiment: Pinging filters You by 9 140
The latest patch is quite pretty You by 4 39
fun stuff :) You by 22 179
The Effervescence of Community Support with Fetz A/V - Saturday Night Synthesis, Episod... You by 2 26
Ambient track about mental illness You by 1 39
Evening Modular Experiment: WMD SCLPL & MSCL You by 4 106
Star Trek Meets Dark Ambient? You by 6 124
ODAN (new album) You by 2 35
So I bought an RES-4 You by 25 268
Make Noise XPO, X-Pan, QPAS & Mimeophon - Modular Jam! You by 3 123
Patterns (Live at Modulab Eindhoven) You by 1 27
More fartin around (acid) You by 12 112
sammy ideophone You by 2 1
eurorack with Sub37 & Mopho x4 You by 5 53
Rings / Maths Drum Solo Improvisation You by 2 32
beasty/beauty (QPAS, Ts-L, Mangrove) You by 3 67
Mikrokosm // Eurorack microfunk (plonk, rings x2, nanorand2, plaits) You by 7 70
Can you guess which odd drum machine that was used? You by 7 4
Patch019 - no DAW jam packed in 98HP You by 3 76
Catch & Keep, Cook & Eat! You by 4 43
It's been awhile! You by 3 101
A few live jams You by 5 43
Started my first case a couple months ago... this is the second jam I upload to YouTube... You 7 83
Jam in a Box #8 - Echoes through the cave | progressive techno vibe You by 2 11
Magic Panels You by 11 247
First Album: Reticulating Splines You by 4 29
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 150
Question - 512 Vector Sequencer with other pitch and gate connections Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 107
Big modules or small modules? Modular Discussions by 11 116
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 721
"Normalized" Modular Discussions by 20 304
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1142
Increasing pitch Modular Discussions by 13 110
Minimum generative rack Modular Discussions by 4 327
Is there a What not to connect Guide for Modular Modular Discussions by 3 791
DFAM and 4ms Listen troubleshooting Modular Discussions by 1 36
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 13 528
Tuner Modular Discussions by 7 91
Post your positive experiences with modular makers and companies here. Mine: Noise Engi... Modular Discussions by 6 254
Oh, wow! I can haz 2600... Modular Discussions by 17 235
Which version of Kenton Pro Solo? Or go with Doepfer MVC4? Modular Discussions by 5 90
My next steps for making dawless (techno) music Modular Discussions by 2 113
Best choices for complex analog oscillator for dark ambient, industrial and techno Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 18 2401
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1037
Pedal Love? Modular Discussions by 32 337
Not exactly modular, but hey... Modular Discussions by 5 137
How to assign E352 and plaits to beatstep pro Modular Discussions by 15 259
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
What for Constant Voltage? Modular Discussions 15 862
Modular + Looper Modular Discussions by 15 538
Modular systems and electricity risks for patients with ICD Modular Discussions by 15 389
Thonk is Withholding My Refund Because They Feel Upset About a Word I Used Modular Discussions by 8 207
power consumption of modular systems during power up Modular Discussions by 13 185
Let's talk Matrix Mixers! Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 36 1547
Examples for study: monosynths that people will kill you for to this day Modular Discussions by 9 65
Useful musical references: some early electronic (pre-synth, more or less) works Modular Discussions by 1 29
Sweetwater + FedEx Ground = Just say NO!!! Modular Discussions by 12 231
Using Reset Modular Discussions by 10 350
Two important questions. Should I do it? And what should I get? Modular Discussions by 7 149
Performance drum machine to use with modular Modular Discussions 23 553
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20
Clock Dividers Modular Discussions by 4 79
modules for playing drum loops etc Modular Discussions by 5 74
Pressure points Modular Discussions by 9 120
Jim and Lugia were right: Why you need support modules Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 20 287
looking for a custom manufacturer for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 1 13
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1159
Mid/Side processing in modular Modular Discussions by 11 540
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
VCV versus the real thing: some thoughts Modular Discussions by 9 685
Am I missing the point of modular? Modular Discussions by 9 220
Too many LFO's? Modular Discussions by 8 338
Erica Synths Pico System III Eurorack - good starting point? Modular Discussions by 15 397
request input: sequence / switch OSC "sweet spots" (as in FM, etc.)? Modular Discussions by 20 314
Semi modulars, racks & power suppply Modular Discussions by 6 149
Musical probability Modular Discussions by 18 188
Any one goes to the Superbooth this year? Modular Discussions by 15 203
In-Depth Live Patch Description - part 1+2+3 Modular Discussions by 7 123
I am jinxed. Modular Discussions by 5 12
So much for that "limited edition"! Modular Discussions 29 345
Most EGs per HP Modular Discussions by 8 81
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Favorite DAW on computer for recording modular Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 357
Plays Well with Others... Modular Discussions by 3 121
About our newly established company VAEMI Modular Discussions by 3 76
Prepackaged systems versus assemble your own? Modular Discussions by 22 154
ACL & Waldorf modules Modular Discussions by 22 210
Sequencer search, with repeat option Modular Discussions 78 1459
Thoughts on placing and combining modules in your system Modular Discussions by 4 97
newbie query: what are your favorite Modular Grid threads and posts? Modular Discussions by 8 173
appeal to the mods - re: Behringer 4 play Modular Discussions by 13 410
Eurorack Layout? Modular Discussions by 10 411
I`m a beginner and have some questions Modular Discussions 12 312
First module: sound source suitable for ambient/drones? Modular Discussions by 16 641
What do you love (or prefer) about modular? Modular Discussions 30 601
Replacement for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 13 178
Best size case to start? Modular Discussions by 19 741