I found 759 threads containing Smaller in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Expanding the minibrute 2s Racks by 16 1019
Thoughts on placing and combining modules in your system Modular Discussions by 4 97
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 995
Minibrute 2S w/ Rackbrute 3U - Synth Live Racks by 1 64
Advice on my EBM performance rack Racks by 6 194
Is this any good? Racks by 14 320
Desert Island 84hp Racks by 3 67
First Ambient/Drone Rack Racks by 30 1226
Feedback on rack plan Racks by 4 76
New to eurorack, is this a good rack? Racks by 16 471
Bought first case yesterday. Looking for feedback on phase I design. Racks by 9 115
Newbie with a Minibrute 2s & Rackbrute 6U Racks by 8 388
Missing modules? asking for suggestion Racks by 8 367
How would you use this 18hp ?! Racks by 6 142
Small rack to back up my current desktop gear. Racks by 5 91
Guitar Eurorack project Racks by 15 534
Help with a DFAM/0-coast based rack Racks by 3 144
Mother-32 case Racks by 3 76
Opinions on my first rack! Racks by 7 188
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Suggestion: Similar modules ModularGrid by 3 64
Start 2 Racks by 11 163
Need your advice with the crispy and raw techno style rack Racks by 9 787
Small system to be sequenced by Ableton Live Racks by 21 806
PinzascaBox (MI up) Racks by 5 187
Internal or External Mixer Modules by 11 1931
My First Row Racks by 10 309
Reverb Modules by 6 232
Behringer System 100m, hm? Modular Discussions by 4 188
Rack Idea for Guitar Processing/Soundscapes/Rhythm Racks by 10 175
Pair With Mother32/DFAM Racks by 4 590
A-100P9 Concept 1 Racks by 7 191
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
Small Guy Racks by 3 109
Eurorack for ambient/drone style of music Racks by 5 947
The Randomness Embracing Generative Ambient Rack (does it make sense?) Racks by 3 159
Before I go any further down the electro-rabbit hole... Racks by 10 186
Need your advice, absolutely new to Eurorack! Racks by 7 160
Developing Rack Racks by 5 107
Maybe This Could Be The First One Racks by 9 394
My MonoPoly Eurorack Racks by 5 123
New to Modular / Guidance appreciated Racks by 6 154
Gridwall, baybee! Modular Discussions by 6 60
Rack setup Racks by 8 89
My Ambient Eurorack Racks by 6 314
Virgin Modular Time Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 4 81
A first Built Racks by 12 188
Lektor Vektor Racks by 4 84
Opinions on starting rack build Racks by 18 360
KICK ASS!!! for February 2019 Modules by 1 104
Rutt-Etra LZX cadet system ala Jonas Bers Racks by 1 177
help me to complete my first eurorack setup (ambient) Racks by 14 1066
104hp 7u live system - how's my research coming along? Racks by 12 742
Closest Maths alternative, but smaller Modular Discussions by 6 2678
Second skiff build advice... Racks by 9 123
Experimental/Ambient/Soundscape Rack. Racks by 3 197
Arturia 6U rack - power adapters Racks by 6 402
Planning a 180HP rack that incorporates my Mother-32 and need some advice! Racks by 11 157
WMD Performance mixer also VCA? Modules by 4 593
MyStarterKit - What have I missed? Racks by 6 94
KICK ASS!!! for November 2018 Modules by 8 103
Mutable Instruments Tides 2018 Modules by 8 514
Rhythmic and melodic rack, what do you think? Racks by 14 407
Too heavy on the oscillators? Racks by 11 169
Learning Modular, love an opinion Racks by 5 91
Dual System Racks by 5 177
New Modular Rack around Moog Grandmother Modules by 4 316
Rackbrute plan Racks by 5 189
Noob Mother 32/DFAM set-up. Thoughts welcome! Racks by 10 184
Ambiental Rack | Opinions? Racks by 13 233
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
small racks. Modular Discussions by 7 106
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
New to Eurorack - Ambient Rack for Textures? Racks by 7 853
The Real Dulper - 6U & 3U Extensions for Minibrute 2S Racks by 14 366
Question: Braids Modules by 4 45
new to eurorack...trying to make a wavetable polysynth build for live performance..few ... Racks by 6 97
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1039
another "WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY CASE???" thread Racks by 1 1
Automated Modulation Advice Racks by 7 13
Cinematic 7u Racks by 2 8
Needing a lot of advice :) Racks by 7 126
Beginner asking into drone sound Racks by 5 19
First modular Racks by 12 230
I finally built it! Any opinions or advice? Racks by 21 92
Other/unknown Xaoc Batumi DIY expander Modules by 19 141
"Top Bunk" for a Moog rack. Racks by 4 31
My first ambient eurorack Racks by 5 83
KICK ASS!!! for May 2018 Modules by 1 40
Thoughts on this digital rack Racks by 17 45
4MS Row Power 40 bus cables vs. stick Modules by 2 195
Mental Experimental - poor man's buchla. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 175
New Modular User Racks by 7 14
What is important when adding drums to your modular? Racks by 5 348
Mindphaser Shapey Racks by 4 12
My Eurorack Racks by 2 12
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24