I found 973 threads containing Tre in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
42hp Lubadh Racks by 5 295
Do I NEED a 3xMIA? Racks 7 267
Does my rack make any sense? Racks by 11 379
Pallet case as first setup. Please review. Racks by 6 159
Feedback on new build Racks this user has left ModularGrid 7 100
New to modular - need your help for patching ! Racks by 18 253
o()xx[moogblade> RackBrute 6U + 3U (Analog/Tube/PC-Hybrid) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 2 185
Mini Techno System w/ Digital Dilemma Racks by 6 162
Looking for some feedback Racks by 11 176
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
What single module would add the most to this? Racks by 22 372
Matriarch (Ambient) Friend Racks by 9 231
New to modular - Any tips, advice suggestions? Racks 8 132
Opinions/Feedback/Suggestions Racks by 3 78
First Rack Racks by 32 448
My First Rack Racks by 7 184
First build goal. Pulling the triger on case and sequencer/sampler soon. Advice appreci... Racks by 1 140
Expanding the Palette Racks by 4 146
Feedback on my first songwriter/noisemaking rack? Racks 4 81
Experimental Techno Modular Idea - feedback please? Racks by 16 269
Feedback on starter system for Atmospheric sounds, experimentation and techno Racks by 8 169
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
Newbie seeking advice on using Minibrute 2S as main controller for Eurorack... Racks by 6 266
Intellijel Palette Racks by 2 138
Opinions? Starter Rack? enrich and compliment my DFAM Racks by 6 123
EURORACK STREAM 001 Racks by 1 55
Ideas to fill the (desperate) spaces? Racks by 5 116
My rack and ordering it Racks by 5 131
I am a Eurowreck Racks by 21 655
PRESO MALE Racks by 7 663
Beginner Polyphonic Eurorack Racks by 14 958
Sound sculpting with 1st rack Racks by 8 200
First rack, feedback and suggestions appreciated Racks by 14 269
Intellijel Palette help needed (ambient /generative) Racks by 10 635
Anywhere Rack Racks by 1 122
Simple first Modular Rack. Please help as I come from a traditional subtractive synth b... Racks by 13 267
Power noise from Pittsburgh Modular cases Racks by 7 234
Feeding the Monster: Learning Modular Live Stream Racks by 4 1466
I got 6hp left Racks by 11 323
The Tiptop Mantis or the 6U Rackbrute? Racks by 10 2082
A new rack approaches! Racks by 5 137
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 162
Roast my rack Racks by 17 236
Boards of Canada style rack. Racks by 14 573
First/Final Euro Project Racks by 9 222
Critique My First Rack Racks by 4 215
Newbie: modulators for ambient/granular? Racks by 10 228
Hells Build Racks by 3 89
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
BKM Black Panel Requests Racks by 19 750
What is the ideal output stage for a Rack? Racks by 5 91
The Heck - first ever modular Racks by 5 266
Behringer Neutron Expansion Racks by 5 289
Need advice on small techno jamming and idea generation rig Racks by 8 224
104HP PREFERRED RACK Racks by 1 81
EDM Drum Sequencer Rack? Racks by 3 128
Eurorack companion for Neutron Racks by 9 443
My first Eurorack (Ambient pads and backgrounds) Racks by 4 307
Replacing the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO Racks by 14 840
petitRêve Racks by 2 100
Box of Noise Racks by 8 243
First compact and good quality modular system Racks by 8 209
MyCase Racks by 11 275
Petite sampling rack advice? Racks by 7 159
advice for my first eurorack around the mother32 ? Racks by 9 519
Next step? Racks by 7 137
First Rack Racks by 4 48
First Rack Advice Racks by 12 469
Advice on my EBM performance rack Racks by 6 194
Trying to finish up my final skiff for a heavily augmented Make Noise B&G Shared system Racks by 5 334
Feedback on rack plan Racks by 4 76
Bought first case yesterday. Looking for feedback on phase I design. Racks by 9 115
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 995
New to eurorack, is this a good rack? Racks by 16 471
My live Eurorack set up Racks by 3 165
Is this any good? Racks by 14 320
Anyone using more than one Expert Sleepers ES-3/8 (via two ADAT’s) or an ES-3+ES-40? Racks by 1 32
Quark Strangeness and Charm Racks by 4 560
Synth voice startup setup - what would you chose? Racks by 32 944
New to modular looking for advice Racks by 3 51
Super-Chrissie's First Eurorack Racks by 9 126
Ambient Rack - need some advice before I hit buy! Racks by 4 112
Small Rack for Effects and Modulation Racks by 3 120
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Drone rack, thinking of adding another row Racks by 3 273
Live Performance, with a lack.... of... switches etc? Racks by 7 146
Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-420 review ? Racks by 3 239
First of his name Racks by 5 162
6u 104hp System Racks by 6 355
ThunderRack - Rack Development Racks by 11 332
0-coast plus.... Racks by 8 201
Current Rack Racks by 3 124
I need some advice to build my Eurorack Racks by 16 679
Need some VCA I guess... Racks by 10 207
Rackbrute ac leakage Racks by 9 543
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 10 424
First Post* Asking for advice Racks by 10 282
Any advise? Racks by 8 89
Beginner Racks by 6 155