I found 1001 threads containing ciat in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
First ever rack for experimental music. Racks by 14 369
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
Building a beginner melodic system Racks by 16 282
Does this make sense for a Palette 62 ? Racks by 16 411
Opinions? Advice? Suggestions? Racks 5 115
This got out of hand quickly Racks by 9 238
2 Year rack review - let's add more ambient modules Racks 10 435
Generative Ambient Starter Racks by 9 329
7u ambient/generativish advices needed! Racks by 7 280
Advices for finish my first rack Racks by 20 360
Doepfer Poly Synth Racks by 4 90
Beginners eurorack Racks 11 224
Rextable's Ideas Factory - Initial Layout - Thoughts and guidance appreciated Racks by 8 186
Flexible Option for transition and efx Racks 4 109
Looking for advice on how to plan my first Eurorack system (techno/drones/percussion) Racks 25 471
Fill my last 32 HP. Suggestions? Feedback advide Racks by 5 94
What utility/function modules to get? Help is much appreciated Racks by 9 237
Feedback on first rack to compliment Digitakt/Digitone and 0-Coast? Racks 52 965
My first rack, AKA help please! Racks by 12 304
The Weather Man Racks by 26 393
Ambient Generative Rack with Ableton - Need Help! Racks by 11 181
Need a lil help Racks by 8 134
I need a new sound source?! Racks by 8 204
Rack suggestions plz Racks by 10 236
Experimenting with 84hp Racks by 19 393
Your favorite trig/gate/clock modifiers? Racks by 14 434
Help me arrange my rack, please. Racks by 5 245
Would this rack work? Racks by 8 266
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Minibrute 2s & Rack Brute 6u Expansion (beginner feedback request) Racks by 6 96
64HP and a backpack Racks by 13 668
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 772
My first modular synth for Max/MSP Racks by 10 218
Lead And Bassline == Two Arpitechts?? Racks by 26 534
My first modular plunge (beginner seeking feedback) Racks by 3 119
Capt’n Big-O & Phil Ter Start (Beginner seeking feedback) Racks by 7 132
Rack suggestions Racks by 21 164
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist (Variation on output and vca(s)) Racks by 11 290
Thoughts on this techno-centered performance system? Racks by 9 235
Beginner need helps! Racks by 28 736
I will build my first modular rack. In the learning process.... 624HP (3 cases) 19U Racks by 15 8438
What comes next? updated beginner setup Racks by 2 92
Tear it apart! What would you remove/replace from this build? Racks by 2 78
feedback on first rack Racks by 18 366
First Jam on the new setup! Racks by 4 64
First Essential Rack Racks by 6 254
It's time for utilities Racks by 9 263
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
L-1 Cwejman Racks by 7 303
Help me build my beginner setup! Racks 7 204
New to Eurorack... Destroy my dreams Racks by 16 450
7U ambient advices - what should I swap out? Racks by 4 193
Stereo output with cue... please advise Racks by 13 522
Thoughts and feedback appreciated - New to eurorack please help Racks by 17 466
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 552
Niftycase idea for ambient Racks by 15 414
Modular noob starter rack Racks by 9 282
My crawling modular - cinematic, melodic, shaping noises Racks by 22 563
Looking for feedback and suggestions Racks by 6 141
Looking for help to build my first rack Racks by 5 136
Would love some feedback on this set up Racks by 25 534
NiftyCASE Racks by 4 289
Advice for Modular Newbie. Racks by 14 294
Basic modular building blocks with Moog Grandmother and Subharmonicon need advice Racks by 1 51
Opinion: Arturia Rack + Arturia Minibrute 2S + VCV-Rack Mac Racks by 4 118
Seeking Opinions/Advice for Optimizing my First System Racks by 16 421
I would like some feedback on my build. The help would be greatly appreciated :3 Racks by 7 226
Want to have some thougths on my future rack Racks by 5 187
complete beginner needing help with planning 62hp palette Racks by 2 152
Acid Bassline Racks by 10 492
First modular system ever, need advice on utility modules (ambient experimental) Racks by 9 440
no 1 attempt Racks by 4 140
Put Me In the Moog Racks by 6 95
Enough utilities? Racks by 8 201
First Rack Plan Racks by 13 165
Another Newbie (rolls eyes)... Racks by 3 86
My First Rack - About 70% complete Racks by 19 392
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
Beep Boop MKII Racks by 7 92
House / Techno eurorack build Racks by 12 254
A final rack review request Racks by 17 416
noobest of the noobs - advice needed Racks by 21 349
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 557
Mine Racks by 3 78
Advice please Racks by 8 131
Newb so please be gentle Racks by 25 469
Advice for minimal setup Racks by 14 233
High noise bleads mutable Racks by 15 519
210101 - Small Techno Box Moring Jam for Feb 21st 2021 Racks by 11 207
Looking for suggestions to fill 30 HP Racks by 3 109
Help on building my rack please? Racks by 10 309
First modular build - comments & criticism Racks by 10 305
Rack Input - What am I missing? Racks by 6 124
Still have 40HP - What do I need? Racks by 11 223
new to this Racks by 8 135
Minimal starter setup - bang for your buck? looking for advice, thx Racks by 7 328
Minibrute 2s w/6U Rackbrute Racks by 9 339
Used case power question Racks by 6 95
amb_rack.84_6u (current) Racks by 18 334
Patch help Racks by 6 87