I found 482 threads containing half in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Halfway There, Feedback Requested Racks by 5 12
So, am I crazy? Racks by 1 ..
Working with this for four years Racks by 2 4
John Somatix Rack - what next? Racks by 5 4
My Chemical Eurorack Racks by 2 ..
VCL Monthly Starter EuroRack Racks by 7 38
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
input output recomendations Racks by 4 13
Antiprism (formerly tesseract) Racks by 10 928
My prickly Eurorack Racks by 1 2
Self-contained groove/noise system Racks by 5 31
First system Racks by 18 265
Planning a rack Racks by 3 12
My second cabinet Racks by 1 ..
First attempt at moving into the modular world, with plans for the future Racks by 2 65
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 187
Need help on creating/finishing system Racks by 13 16
Budget Rack Racks by 3 9
Help me with Modular Starter Pack Racks by 4 58
Just another stab in the dark. Racks by 2 11
Help! Idk what I'm doing Racks by 7 18
Paradise Board Racks by 2 6
First rack - major help needed! Racks by 8 21
New to Modular, Need some suggestions ! :-P Racks by 6 22
Thoughts on my 9U? Racks by 3 9
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
My first build. Advice or patch ideas? Racks by 5 18
Ambient / Atmospheric Rack Feedback Racks by 12 339
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24
My Eurorack Racks by 2 12
"Top Bunk" for a Moog rack. Racks by 4 31
+12V-only-Modules Skiff Racks by 6 4
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1399
Half-way completed, tentative plans, hybrid setup with DAW Racks by 6 10
9HP left, looking for suggestions (Generative Ambient) Racks by 4 39
Frames- should it stay or should it go? Racks by 8 31
idea for ambient rack Racks by 45 1179
Replacing Arturia DRUMBRUTE with MIDI Note-controlled eurorack system Racks by 14 130
Ambiental Rack | Opinions? Racks by 13 233
Help me fill 10HP on my rackbrute 6U Racks by 2 39
SnowRack Racks by 12 145
Ready to buy first modules - Ambient/chord soundscapes + some perc. Racks by 7 491
My shortcut Eurorack Racks by 4 69
Rhythmic and melodic rack, what do you think? Racks by 14 405
Arturia 6U rack - power adapters Racks by 6 400
Experimental/Ambient/Soundscape Rack. Racks by 3 197
Live rack Techno Racks by 22 904
My”beginner rack” - just looking for thoughts on fine tuning the build Racks by 13 272
Beginner Racks by 6 155
My MonoPoly Eurorack Racks by 5 123
Any advise? Racks by 8 89
Lektor Vektor Racks by 4 84
Rackbrute ac leakage Racks by 9 543
2019 Eurorack Racks by 6 126
Accidentally stumbled down the eurotrack, now what? Racks by 11 282
PinzascaBox (MI up) Racks by 5 187
New try Racks by 6 166
Drone rack, thinking of adding another row Racks by 3 271
Where to start? Racks by 3 121
First rack, need suggestions for ambient music Racks by 19 550
Allmost finished rack, need some pro advice Racks by 15 184
First Ambient/Drone Rack Racks by 30 1226
UPDATE: 3*104hp +M32+DFAM rack Racks by 7 173
Techno Rack - Asking for Opinions Racks by 3 193
First set up for Junny Racks by 3 111
Newbie with a Minibrute 2s & Rackbrute 6U Racks by 8 388
New to eurorack, is this a good rack? Racks by 16 471
Got advice for my 1st setup ? Racks by 28 994
let me know what can be useful in my make noise skiff Racks by 8 115
Power issue with Rackbrute 6U Racks by 14 1475
Any glaring holes? Feedback appreciated Racks by 11 207
Intellijel Palette Groovebox Racks by 7 452
Ambient Modular Box Racks by 4 137
Need a bit of help with my current rack..(prob need more modulation) Racks by 9 170
My first Eurorack (Ambient pads and backgrounds) Racks by 4 307
Please critique my rack . Racks by 5 92
My first peek into Eurorack Racks by 10 301
Expanding from Arturia MiniBrute 2s: effects, voices, rhythm Racks by 4 188
Current setup... where would you go next? Racks by 7 271
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
Pallete case build / Many questions Racks by 7 288
Critique My First Rack Racks by 4 215
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 160
one voice for live Racks by 2 76
Simple first Modular Rack. Please help as I come from a traditional subtractive synth b... Racks by 13 267
Intellijel Palette help needed (ambient /generative) Racks by 10 635
First rack, feedback and suggestions appreciated Racks by 14 269
PRESO MALE Racks by 7 663
Palette build - thinking of adding a sampler, need some advice Racks by 5 89
My Rack Racks by 3 254
0-coast extension - Polyend preset Racks by 4 79
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
New kid on the block - looking for feedback Racks by 4 91
Akemie's Castle-centered rack Racks by 9 247
For the Noobs (aka What This Noob Learned in Quarantine) Racks by 7 161
First Rack Racks by 32 448
What single module would add the most to this? Racks by 22 372
Flexibility in two systems Racks by 10 162
Where should I go from there ? Advice ? Racks by 3 99
New to modular - need your help for patching ! Racks by 18 253