I found 2348 threads containing A lot in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
About Intellijel Audio Interface II Modules by 2 15
humble audio quad operator bank Modules by 2 73
My First Eurorack Racks by 1 13
Johnny Cash- and a lot of it. Racks by 1 2
Just another stab in the dark. Racks by 2 11
Verbos Complex Oscillator Modules by 4 58
what's so special about triangle core oscillators? Modules by 3 620
My First Eurorack Racks by 4 18
JLR MixerPatchPedals Racks by 2 2
the most AWESOME modulation module that DOESN'T EXIST (until someone builds one) Modules by 2 23
My first steps in this (wallet) swamp.... Racks by 4 15
Help me with Modular Starter Pack Racks by 4 60
dragon sound Racks by 3 31
Hip Hop Eurorack Racks by 6 94
is this a good first rig? Racks by 3 7
Sonenrack Racks by 4 ..
My grey Eurorack Racks by 3 1
52hp Atom Racks by 1 4
Eurorack modules that only use +12v (like Mother 32) Modules by 4 50
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 188
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
Waldorf kb37 Eurorack - Total Noob Advice? Racks by 2 51
Noise Oddity Racks by 1 11
How to improve this rack? Racks by 16 32
Old Soul Mod Racks by 5 5
Antiprism (formerly tesseract) Racks by 10 930
4ms Company Spectral Multiband Resonant Filter Modules by 8 14204
The Lora Module of SX1278 Modules by 1 ..
First attempt at moving into the modular world, with plans for the future Racks by 2 65
Advice on building a very small rack centered around 1 module. Modules by 2 34
Tone Bender (imaginary sound mangling monster ARP 2600 with attitude) Racks by 2 19
Comments please on first Eurorack Racks by 7 94
Alternative to Erica Synths Black Varishape VCO 1? Modules by 2 35
Recommend me some crazy filters Modules by 6 238
First Rack Racks by 4 8
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10
TheDoctor's Simple Starter Ambient Rig Racks by 4 61
An all analog rack Racks by 3 6
building a small gig, modular-groovebox Racks by 6 190
My 1st Eurorack Racks by 5 11
An all DIY 6U.. how to finish it? Racks by 3 3
Self-contained groove/noise system Racks by 5 31
Synthesis Technology E350 Morphing Terrarium Modules by 7 9375
Feedback much appreciated Racks by 2 6
Sampling and sound design modular-Hints? Racks by 2 8
New Europeans (copy) Racks by 5 3
The database is getting messy over time ModularGrid by 7 22
Locking a rack ModularGrid by 6 78
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2612
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
Where am I going with this? Racks by 9 7
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
Help with a beginner system Racks by 3 143
Newcomer lost in the infinite void of options Racks by 2 7
How to store and recall offsets Modules by 4 2207
My amazing Eurorack Racks by 10 28
What i'm missing here? What u would add (using my money). Racks by 1 8
Boolean Impaired Patches by 1 10
AIRA Eurorack Racks by 3 3
Multiband processor Racks by 3 1
Jones - O'Tool vs. Mordax - Data Modules by 6 298
Current Racks by 8 1064
snapshot question ModularGrid by 11 151
Symphonic Distortion System II Modular Discussions by 1 2
Starter Module? Need advice. Modular Discussions by 1 39
New to eurorack Racks by 9 13
What I have so far Racks by 4 11
My First EuroHelp Racks by 3 38
First Modular Design Racks by 3 9
Doepfer A-147-2V LFO periodicity Modules by 2 6
"Delay" a sequencer output Modular Discussions by 11 8
Advice needed please? Racks by 6 43
First rack (and no crazy expansion planed) phonogene sampler / synth - thoughts? Racks this user has left ModularGrid 3 8
My Ritack Racks by 1 ..
Next Module(s)? Racks by 3 23
Blue Lantern Modules Asteroid BD (Green) Review Modules by 1 95
First Eurorack. Any advice ? Racks by 4 14
Please delete. Racks by 4 8
My dream Eurorack Racks by 1 5
Advice on essential modules Racks by 3 4
beginners help Modular Discussions by 5 10
First Rack. Would this work? Racks by 8 11
Help Constructing a Skiff for live Noise/Ambient Racks by 4 81
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
Intellijel Cylonix - Cyclebox II Modules by 1 2403
first baby Racks by 5 2
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Hexarack Current Racks by 6 18
VCL Monthly Starter EuroRack Racks by 7 38
Functional Fuckery (hopefully) Racks by 21 23
Black Beauty II Racks by 1 ..
My Chemical Eurorack Racks by 2 ..
First rack, advice appreciated. Racks by 1 ..
Unicorn ModularGrid by 2 6
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 131
ModularMusic.TV Modules by 1 2
Working with this for four years Racks by 2 4
What is missing? Racks by 9 31
Synthesis Technology E560 Deflector Shield Modules by 4 9401
Cicada Shock Patches by 1 5