I found 1369 threads containing Clock in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Generative Melody Robot friend for Microbrute to Follow me on Drums Racks by 2 11
Affordable bare bones portable modular setup Modular Discussions by 22 1377
My 9U Eurorack Racks by 3 7
Baby's First (copy) Racks by 1 1
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Future Rack Feedback Racks by 5 19
Ambient / Atmospheric Rack Feedback Racks by 12 339
Trying to make it cohesive (3u 104hp) Racks by 5 55
Look at my rack Racks by 13 56
My first build. Advice or patch ideas? Racks by 5 18
Heather Racks by 18 52
Current setup: rack feels disjointed... Racks by 9 28
Starting off a new bad habit Racks by 10 44
My Ultimate Eurorack Racks by 3 8
Drone starting rack Racks by 2 311
my first eurorack idea Racks by 6 58
Just getting started, need input! Racks by 11 49
HappyFamily Racks by 3 78
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
First system Racks by 18 265
Mini-systems from various vendors? Racks by 3 8
New to Modular, Need some suggestions ! :-P Racks by 6 22
My hapless Eurorack Racks by 5 27
Novice question about power consumption Modular Discussions by 3 505
Last step to finish the rack Racks by 3 20
My Tiptop Audio Mantis Racks by 4 139
Help! Idk what I'm doing Racks by 7 18
On the right track? Racks by 3 24
icy IDM ❄️ You by 6 12
Korg Volca Mix Modules by 1 41
Dark Ambient/Sonic Universe Racks by 4 35
First Modular build - feedback please! Racks by 4 21
First Go Racks by 4 3
Lukree's Eurorack Racks by 8 43
Planned rack 1 Racks by 3 4
1 Fader patch aspects, rules, and Racks by 1 4
Starter drums Modular Discussions by 7 56
Clock Distribution Modular Discussions by 5 16
tiny (techno) rack around Roland EFX Racks by 1 11
Live Perfomance 6U Racks by 1 6
Patching ideas for Rene, Wogglebug, Braids + Wasp Filter (and an 0-coast) Modular Discussions by 1 25
Other/unknown DLP - MIDI Clock Modules by 1 6
Erica Black Stereo Rack Racks by 1 13
Adrift in the Clouds Racks by 1 20
My First Eurorack Racks by 4 18
the most AWESOME modulation module that DOESN'T EXIST (until someone builds one) Modules by 2 23
Hip Hop Eurorack Racks by 6 94
Sonenrack Racks by 4 ..
Eurorack modules that only use +12v (like Mother 32) Modules by 4 50
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 188
help me define concept Modules by 8 46
Can someone assist me buying a PSU for cv.ocd? Modules by 5 50
your top 10 favorite modules & WHY Modules by 2 390
Interesting modules for CV control? Modules by 3 111
First attempt at moving into the modular world, with plans for the future Racks by 2 65
Advice on building a very small rack centered around 1 module. Modules by 2 34
Tone Bender (imaginary sound mangling monster ARP 2600 with attitude) Racks by 2 19
Comments please on first Eurorack Racks by 7 94
First Rack Racks by 4 8
My Jabo1 case (copy) Racks by 1 13
Planning a rack Racks by 3 12
building a small gig, modular-groovebox Racks by 6 190
FX/Filter rack, easily clockable Racks by 1 ..
An all DIY 6U.. how to finish it? Racks by 3 3
Advice on First Noise Effects Rack Racks by 2 11
Modular Expansion Racks by 1 11
Help for modulating mungling random this samplers Racks by 4 29
A bit of advice for my first modular! Racks by 1 1
Kill The Piano Racks by 9 9
Advise needed: components for play along improvising with piano Racks by 1 6
For Consideration Racks by 1 1
Too many VCO's? Racks by 4 14
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2612
Do these moduls make sense as a start? Racks by 7 334
Help with a beginner system Racks by 3 143
Studio67 Erica Mini modular 60HP Racks by 1 4
How to store and recall offsets Modules by 4 2206
Need help with my first rack Racks by 1 6
3 11 16 v1 Racks by 1 ..
Jones - O'Tool vs. Mordax - Data Modules by 6 298
"Delay" a sequencer output Modular Discussions by 11 8
Advice needed please? Racks by 6 43
3-Tier 60hp Moog Skiff: 2X Mother-32 + Pico and clock/gate options + Clouds Racks by 1 18
My Theoretical Eurorack (Eventually) Racks by 2 22
First rack (and no crazy expansion planed) phonogene sampler / synth - thoughts? Racks this user has left ModularGrid 3 8
New Europeans Racks by 4 20
Telephonogenesis Racks by 1 18
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
Telephonogenesis Racks by 1 9
Please delete. Racks by 4 8
Xaoc Devices Karl Marx Stadt Modules by 4 2286
beginners help Modular Discussions by 5 10
Finally ready for use Racks by 1 10
Newbie rack fun! Racks by 2 2
VCL Monthly Starter EuroRack Racks by 7 38
Functional Fuckery (hopefully) Racks by 21 23
4ms Company Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) Black PCB Modules by 1 8
3 row rack #2 Racks by 7 8
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 540