I found 1582 threads containing port in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Tiny experimental-ish rack Racks by 20 464
Tuesday Poor Man's Buchla Music Easel Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 46
My first rack Modular Discussions by 10 181
Jim and Lugia were right: Why you need support modules Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 20 289
Novice 12U RackBrute "Everything and All" Case Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 6 173
First Draft of System to Complement Violin w/ effects + ChucK Coding Racks by 12 186
Friday Jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 8 46
Modulation source for complementing Pamela's New Workout Modules 25 1479
ambient like loop You by 55 606
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol II Modules by 3 5157
Thoughts on pre-packaged modular systems? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 3 99
Taking the plunge! Advice/Feedback on my 1st rack, possible next steps Racks by 21 267
Beginner setup. filling up a rackbrute to make a wavetable synth Racks 8 355
Drone Tuesday! You this user has left ModularGrid 3 24
Building a system around two moogs and a Pittsburgh voltage research lab Racks by 7 157
Pros/Cons of Mixing In or Out of the Case Modular Discussions 17 3106
Evening Modular Jam: Sample, Hold, Pass You by 3 16
Portable Racks by 2 118
My sweetmeal Eurorack Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 106
I'd like some feedback on my plan for my first Euro Rack Racks by 6 148
ph modular Buffered multiple 1 to 3 (x4 ... and more!) W Modules by 1 236
First Rack Racks by 32 448
42hp Lubadh Racks by 5 295
Friday Nite Industrial with Cursus and Kermit You this user has left ModularGrid 5 37
Doepfer - A-110-1 Pulse Width Modulation Fun You by 3 61
Some Kind of Four on the Floor Thing You by 8 79
My first one... Racks 10 161
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
Eurorack Begginer Racks by 3 105
Nano Rand Sept 26th 2020 Patches by 1 33
Updates to Planned Techno Industrial Setup Racks this user has left ModularGrid 1 47
Humpday Weekly Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 26
Complete modular noob advice. Racks by 6 166
Email Notifications? ModularGrid by 7 61
Favorite support and utility modules Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 7 181
Saturday Nite Modular Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 7 40
Live performance rack Racks 8 158
easiest way to send a Eurorack to DAW? Modular Discussions by 11 519
Asking for feedback on an Eurorack version of Aalto Racks 5 80
Critique my plan Racks this user has left ModularGrid 20 199
MDLR Racks 3 329
Looking for some feedback Racks by 11 176
New to modular - need your help for patching ! Racks by 18 253
Saturday and Noise Engineering Techno You this user has left ModularGrid 7 41
Exploring Noise Engineering BIA You this user has left ModularGrid 5 103
What single module would add the most to this? Racks by 22 372
New studio - Structure EP-420 build Racks by 5 118
4ms Pod 64X HP - Drone/ambient Racks by 8 369
Need recommendations for layout of new setup Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 82
Pallet case as first setup. Please review. Racks by 6 159
Looking for patch tips for Malekko Varigate 4+ and Malekko Quad Envelope Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 11 163
Mini Techno System w/ Digital Dilemma Racks by 6 162
Is it all terrible? First Rack Feedback? Racks 6 133
Advice to finish my 6U system Racks 10 177
First eurorack system Racks by 6 98
Opinion! What do you think of my system? Racks by 18 364
Installing Malekko modules in Doepfer A100 basic case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 27 282
Flexibility in two systems Racks by 10 162
Venturing into Quadrophonic ambient modular synthesis ModularGrid by 11 167
Looking for feedback on my first rack Racks by 11 227
ADSR Mutable Instrument Plaits with Elektron A4 CV out Modular Discussions by 6 292
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
“Shoegaze” Rack + guitar pedals & keystep Racks by 11 190
What do you love (or prefer) about modular? Modular Discussions 30 601
Need some gear advices - Rackbrute 6U Racks by 5 172
Multichannel Quantizers Modules by 5 146
Feature request: Max knob height ModularGrid by 3 38
New to modular - Any tips, advice suggestions? Racks 8 132
Idea generator - 6U+6U Rack Brute Racks by 3 84
Greetings! Feel free to ignore You by 4 54
Evening Modular Experiment: Odessa and Panharmonium You by 10 104
2.4SINK Firmware Upgrades Modules by 1 2415
First build goal. Pulling the triger on case and sequencer/sampler soon. Advice appreci... Racks by 1 140
My Make Noise Eurorack Racks by 6 222
My Additive Eurorack Racks by 3 136
Recording Questions - Mixing Plugins Modular Discussions by 7 66
Your feedback on my "work in progress" rack! Racks by 2 98
Experimental Techno Modular Idea - feedback please? Racks by 16 269
New release on Cassette - AMA002 You by 8 63
It's coming together...Advice appreciated! Racks by 2 130
62 HP + 0-CTRL ALT 1 Racks by 1 72
Feedback on starter system for Atmospheric sounds, experimentation and techno Racks by 8 169
Akemie's Castle-centered rack Racks by 9 248
I made a Playboi Carti style beat You by 10 78
62 HP Racks by 1 141
For the Noobs (aka What This Noob Learned in Quarantine) Racks by 7 161
First timer - Please tell me what needs work Racks by 2 83
62 HP Racks by 2 73
What do I miss?? Racks by 3 78
Harmonograph Synthesiser You by 4 27
Moog expansion Racks by 5 68
Thinking about a Serge rack Racks by 8 110
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
New kid on the block - looking for feedback Racks by 4 91
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
Main Ambient Machine - 84 hp + 84 hp Racks by 10 289
Why your 6U x 84 generative rig won't work Racks by 22 906
Patch cables Patches by 12 283
0-coast extension - Polyend preset Racks by 4 79