My first foray back into modulars, after selling off a 15U Doepfer system about 12 years ago. Things have changed wildly since then!

Anyway, curious about what might be good additions to my current system. The only module here that I don't already own is the Varigate 4+, which I'm definitely planning on adding. Also fairly certain I'm adding a Basimilus Iteritas Alter. And I'd like to get some reverb/delay/DSP in here.

Anyway, what's missing? I feel like I'm light on things like mixers and utilities, but the options out there now are just so staggering compared to "back in the day."

I should say that I pretty much just noodle around for my own amusement, in the ambient/experimental range... this is my only instrument currently, and is likely to stay that way, at least for a good couple of years. Thanks for your thoughts.

ModularGrid Rack