Had a listen...and yes, not only is the lack of exponential VCAs obvious in the build, it's also obvious on the track. All of the dynamics are really sort of flat; there's no actual 'hit' to them, which is sad because the track, musically, sounds good...but had the different transient material been able to 'punch' more, it'd really be banging. Linear VCAs aren't bad per se (and they're what you need for controlling CV levels), but to get amplitude changes that listeners perceive as being more hitting, that punch thru the mix better, you need the exponential VCAs to get those big amplitude swings. That way, the track would 'breathe' better, not sound so all-the-same in terms of dynamic ebb and flow.

The only other thing I would question is losing the Tides. Having something that can do the slower LFO curves for gradual changes of parameters is pretty useful for just about any sort of music...slow change is what makes music 'go somewhere' over extended periods of time. Adding the Xaoc phaser, in fact, would be a prime use for the Tides' slow modulation abilities to give a track a trippier overall vibe. The Batumi, though, makes good sense as a swap for the A-143-3, but also see if you can find a way to jam the Poti expander switch module in for it as well. Maybe consider not going with the Rings? I kinda think that, given what was on the sample track, you'd lose a lot of the resonant subtilty that it can bring...it would potentially get buried in the mix. OTOH, adding something that could bring a bit more 'grit' into the sound, especially on your more lead-ish parts...that could work better, since the leads would 'cut' more and stand out. Just a few observations...