Hi all, first post here.

I am trying to put together a duophonic modular based on Doepfer. I know synthesizers pretty well (have owned a MS20 and a MonoPoly in the past), but this would actually be my first modular. I live in Europe, and so Doepfer is the brand that seems most economical to base the build on. I will use this mostly for non-percussion/non-rhythm/non-sequenced parts, in other words mostly pads and drones and stuff like that.

* Does this look reasonable? Are there modules in there that are known to be inferior to other brands etc?
* I want to have velocity sensitivity applied to amplitude and VCF cutoff. Do I have enough VCAs for that, and/or missing anything else?
* Anything missing that I absolutely should include? Anything over the top that I could live without?
* Will I be able to get a vintage/non-sterile sound from these VCOs, or are there others I should go for?

The rack is here!

Thanks! /lesuedois