I've been thinking about a few alternatives since I composed the post and I get it truly records things now and again. at this point, I haven't exactly considered the network with Ableton, sequencing and tweak all around ok. likewise, in the event that you add polyphony is anything but difficult to see that I would require a great deal more rack space accessible and that would turn my "make music anyplace" thought down. that is the reason I chose to begin with this approach; I got me a volcano kick and a volca sampler, so this will enable me to begin trying different things with a few drums and furthermore utilize it as a sampler outside Ableton. Additionally, I will attempt to utilize them as a clock for my framework later, since I as of now observed a few people doing it. despite the fact that, I truly don't know whether I could utilize the volca sequencer to trigger the measured. I'll see with additional time and quiet. I figure this initial approach will convey some helpful experiences to continue becoming in light of a strong thought. I likewise will do whatever it takes not to consume the money and that is the reason I'm constraining myself from the begin.