Seems like a random collection of modules in a random placement.
It'll make noises, but as an instrument, it's unclear what you're after, beyond a display of stuff you want.
There are potential voices there, but mixing the mess together is unclear.
You need more active mults. You have all of that signal creation but it can't be shared easily amoung modules.
Put the Pam's all the way to the left as your master clock/reset, then mult it out to the rest.
I'm unsure why you chose the Frap Tools module in the 2nd build. Not really what it's for.
Dump the modules from 2hp and keep looking. Save the frustration.
I wish that the Disting wasn't the interface nightmare it is. Such a good idea, but sadly, never stays long.
Are you going stereo or mono or hybrid? Are you sharing clocks with something else? Will you need midi?
You going to play actual notes? It's hard to tell, is there a quantizer in there someplace? Do you need one?
Both racks look chaotic to patch and play without some sort of signal flow plan.
It's no fun weeding thru a drape of patch cables all of the time.
Avoid using stackable and LED cables.
Don't know what to say about those two joysticks...
Simplify. I suspect that y0u'll never get to even a quarter of what those higer level modules do, just on their own.
I'd start with less than half of those higher level modules and put more time into building out
your clock/reset, the CV/gate/trigger distribution, and your mixing, and then focus on learning the modules.
p.s. Modular Grid has become essential to my work. It's a terrific and unmatched resource. They're great.