Thread: Adsr use

hi i have been tweaking in modular for a couple of years now im no expert at all hence this post..when i create a techno patch I hardly ever use adsr or extra vca i pipe everything into a matrix mixer and straight into the output bus..i like the sounds im creting but find i strange thsy i hardly use envelopes or adsr am i doing something wrong ? i know who adsr work but still find it difficult to find use for them ,i know they arr used to open/close vca etc but i seam to get hood results with the need of them can anyone give me any tips of where to use them and why it would be much appreciated thsnks, have a look at my rack see what you think > If you're getting the sound you want, then it might be perfect for you.

In my experience, mixing every voice with silence in a rhythmic way is crucial—otherwise, my output tends to get muddy and overloaded.
Do you have any audio recordings? That would make it much easier to give feedback.
-- modular01

i have some recordings but just video on my phone can these be uploaded on this site ?