Although their claims obviously haven't been verified in a court of law, I'd imagine most of these "intellectual property" snobs have downloaded music or samples and have not paid the artist who made them, but apparently that's different. Typical hypocrites. If they want to overpay for items to seem "cool", bless their hearts. I'll keep the extra money in MY pocket where it belongs :)
-- AlphaGrayWolf

Not overpaying, simply investing in small passionate companies who don't have Behringer's resources but who have actual vision and HQ products, instead of a corporate behemoth that's openly ripping them off. The history of Behringer being a generally amoral and all around sucky company is well documented if you look into them, I wouldn't pay them a dime. Be a corporate simp and buy up their cheap-o knock-offs if that's all you can afford, but Xaoc has my support 100%. Good company, good customer service, quality innovative products. (And yeah btw, downloading music and not paying the artist IS different and a lousy analogy, but that's a whole other tangent/discussion).