**Berlin school oriented rack. **

The idea is to make a square rack of practical dimensions, 60 by 66 approx. Cable distances are then manageable. Below each row there will be approx 2 cm space for horizontal cable guides not to have too much wiring in front of knobs.
In the middle of the rack on row 2 and 3, there is space left for vertical cable guides as well as multiples.
At the back of the rack will be 4 MIDI I/O: 2 for the Disting EX, 2 for the NTS-1. The power supplies will be on the back.

Row 1: 2 old school sequencers.
Row 2 : EDU synth from Erica Synths, with a 3rd simple sequencer. O&C for the sequencer quantizing
Row 3 : Sound path 2nd synth: oscillators going into mixer, filters, VCA
Row 4: Modulators for gate and CV at the left, including matrix mixer. Filter bank + built in NTS-1 at the right

Apart from the 2 main sequencers and the maxtrix mixer the rest is already in house.
The NTS-1 can serve as a 3rd synth (the Disting even as a 4th) , but is rather meant as FX box.
I do have a Minibrute 2S, a B2600, Model D and a Kobol apart from this, so I'm not running out of oscillators.

I'll need to built the rack myself (especially as I want cable guides both horizontal and vertical).
What may I be missing?