Hi there,

I have been thinking on a "generative groove machine" in eurorack with using incoming main beat or drums to creative new texture.
I've made some test with Electus Versio and I think this is one good way to approach this (incoming audio > QPAS filter > electus > VCA triggered and modulated via Black Sequencer > CEQ for eq and compression).
I feel like I'm missing something to "add texture". In the computer world I would go for something like erosion basically.
I've comme accross a couple module such as Noise Plethora or Hexinverter VCNO but they are more about noise generator than audio effects, and I want something that can process existing audio, and not add an extra source (saving space in the case basically)
I've found QuBit but I don't really like the sound of it on the demo I've seen.
If you have any recommandation of a good module, stereo, that would suit I'm all ears out