ModularGrid Rack

Hi all,

After several years of tinkering and learning, and many, many iterations of "eureka, this shall be the final form!," I think I actually have a decent plan (my racks are public if you want to see how I've gone from A to B to C to.... whatever this is). However, as I try to figure out my last half-rack, I realize I'm at a loss. I hesitate to say it, but I think I might have my bases covered and have some room to spare. What do you think, what would you do with this last 36 hp? Am I overlooking something or missing some key utilities or functionality? Maybe I'm over-full of some type of module and have more space than I realize? Or maybe I should just be at peace knowing that I've got the space when the next new, must-have module shows up (looking at you Joranalogue). As you'll see, a lot of these modules are already in my collection, but I don't consider too much sacrosant, and am definitely open to selling and reconfiguring if I decide to shift directions.

Rack goals: Originally, it started as a companion to the microbrute 2s, but quickly started moving in the generative direction. Over the past few years, this has become my main instrument, and so I've tried to tailor it into a comprehensive multivoiced stereo system that can do both generative and nongenerative on it's own, but play well with other gear and the computer when wanted. No one style of music is aimed for and I'm not planning on doing too much heavy-duty chordal work, but I want to be able to cover as many bases as possible. That being said, I seem to make a lot of loosely rhythmic ambient soundscapes, and that's quite fun.

General design plan: The instrument consists of a microbrute 2s and a 6u rackbrute and with two mantis cases (come on tiptop, start shipping those black cases already...). The rackbrute is predominantly cv and clock generation and manipulation. The top mantis covers sound sources and shaping, and the bottom case is predominantly for sound manipulation and physical interaction with the synth (I am a very hands-on player). Some choices were made for odd-number-hp reasons (like the pico dsp), and some placements are simply because I couldn't figure out how else to fit them (like Maths in the bottom row), but most everything else earns it's place and spot naturally.

So, what do you think? Any recommendations for this last 36 hp?
