The new 4 hp expansion for the Ochd is awesome! Just looking at your small case made me wince that there
was no room for it if you did use an Ochd. 4 triggers, 8 waveshapers would really expand the capabilties of
the small case.

I'd seriously consider a smaller 8 hp uRings instead of the original Mutable Instruments
to make space for it -- that would also clear up another 2 hp for a useful 2HP (company name) Clk
or a 2HP Mult.
-- halbroome

Thanks for that! I had no idea the expansion offered that degree of functionality!

+1 on the Clep Diaz, great little LFO / Stepped Random etc
-- wishbonebrewery

Thanks for that. My only concern with the Clep Diaz is the limitation of one lfo. Otherwise, it looks like a swiss army knife for a small system.

Hi Jim. Planning on synching it (somehow) to my Microfreak.

that will work - clock out ofd microfreak into whatever you are syncing to - just make sure you set both clocks appropriately... see the manuals

While 32 hp is very limited, it's fun to see how much I can coax out of these for live gigs.

well good luck with that...

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for that, Jim! I appreciate your advice!