I recently purchased another "voice" in the form of a pre owned Radio - ST Modular https://www.modulargrid.net/e/st-modular-radio I liked the idea of scooping up radio signals and using them, which is great but I am now wanting a way to record snippets of my radio audio.

Initially I was looking at Big T Music's Monsoon (Clouds clone) https://www.modulargrid.net/e/big-t-music-monsoon
for many reasons plus the fact it has the freeze button that could grab the random radio audio ( max 8 seconds at lowest quality). I have now seen 2hp Loop which from what I have seen can record upto 5 minutes and slow it down and a range of other functions including layering the sound and loop it of course. https://www.modulargrid.net/e/2hp-loop-black-panel This sounds great in producing some interesting sounds for my ambient generative rack.

Do you feel this is a good option?

Thoughts and advice would be hugely appreciated.