Thanks for your input, much appreciated.


Neither for live or studio really.
Having fun patching :)

so home (studio)

I hear you when you are saying 104hp...
Went from a racbrute 6U to the Doepfer 9U thinking (like everyone else I suppose) it would be cool...

the doepfer 9u always seems a little under powered...

And I totally understand when you refer to more utilities: the last modules I bought were actually oriented this way:
- Ladik A-541 for 2 mono OUT feeding Octatrack IN A and IN B
- Ladik A-410 Pan/Mix/VCA
- MI Links not so much for multing but rather as a precision adder
Next one will most likely be Ladik S-090 Dual Probability Skipper and then already thinking about Sequential Switches...
What other utilities do you have in mind?

all of them... by that I mean the ones you reach for and don't have... it's possible you don't know what they are yet... almost always more vcas, more mixers, more inverters, more attenuators, , logic, more offsets... I like a simple clock divider - not only because it can divide clocks, but also audio - /2 = -1ve, /4 = -2ve... square wave output... not something you get from Pams...

Could you also elaborate on matrix mixers if you don't mind?
Many thanks for taking the time.
-- Loersatz

4 inputs, 4 outputs, each output is a mix of the 4 inputs... really useful for combining copies of modulation to derive 4 more complex but related modulation sources from those input...

also useful for (amogst other things):

send differently attenuated versions of the same input to 4 different destinations

feedback - lets say you have a delay module, but it doesn't have feedback built in - patch one of the outputs of the matricx mixer to the in of the delay and another to wherever you want that delay to go to... pacth whatever you want to delay and the output of the delay into 2 of the inputs... mix to taste!

send/return - whtever you want to send into an in, the one of the outputs to the whatever you want to send to, output of that module back into one of the ins - another of the outs can now be used as the return

parallel processing - similar to above, but use 3 outputs to send to effects, use 3 inputs for the returns, depending on mixing you could have a clewan signal into each effect and then mix the original clean signal with 3 effected signals

stereouizer/manual panner - mono signal into input - 2 outputs become L & R - depending on relevant levels initial mono input is placed somewhere in the stereo field

I like mono ones, the doepfer particularly (ergonomics) - for most of these tasks... tbh I ihave 2 (non-doepfer) and could do with at least 1 more... 1 will be a doepfer and after that I may grab a stereo one (but only for audio) - I mostly use them for modulation

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities