Regarding mixers, I finally gave in trying to find something I'd be happy with in-rack and ended up buying an external mixer, the Tascam Model 12. It's a digital mixer (6 mono / 2 stereo channels) that handles eurorack levels well. With it I can also record on an SD card on the unit or use it as a multi-track audio interface to record to computer.
-- PragmaticusMax

Good to now! I´m also interested in the tascam Mixers... Do you know if this is true for the bigger models as well? The Model 12 is the only digital one, right?

-- ak47exe

The 16 and 24 are both analog. I have no experience with those so can't definitively say they handle eurorack like the 12. I went with the Model 12 because it was the right size for me (I know, famous last words), and since the controls are digital, it can be used as a DAW controller (haven't tried this feature yet, though).