Hi there,

I´m in the market for a big rack (10 x 84hp) and I have a few questions.
I have two smaller racks right now (2x104 each) and I can get a ton of good stuff out of this setup.
Since a while I´m thinking about a bigger "studiocase". A solid wood case with proper Hinton Instruments PSU, sitting on a nice rolling cart thing to move around.... I will keep a small one for live use though.

My questions

What did change for you when you switched to a bigger setup?
Do you work differently?
Do you work on patches for a longer time than in a small case?
Is it somehow harder or more easy to build a sound?
Was it a good step or do you regret it it any way?

Would be nice to hear about your experiences or your thoughts if you´re in the same position.