have you looked at the mutant brain (in rack version of cv.ocd) - was hexinverter, now being made by erica synths... it has the 4 cv/gate pairs you want + more gate outputs - so you can use a midi clock for syncing to the computer...

I use a kick sample on an audio track in logic, personally - this will always be 'tighter' than midi clock, due to Operating System priorities, but if you don't use any other software on the computer at the same time and disconnect from wifi etc then you should be fine

-- JimHowell1970

Thank you very much for the recommendation and heads up about possible problems! I wil definitely check out mutant brain...

But let me get this thing clear: are you using a kick sample as a trigger to clock ("clock in" input to module)? I could probably do something similar into Pams New Workout... Thanks again!