Fantastic advice and arguments here. Wish I knew more to contribute, but i'm sure that knowledge will come! I've always loved hardware synths but the modular world is an entirely different beast, and hey i'm in the market for a new hobby. For me, having the versatility to patch modules in unexpected ways to create something is the allure of modular

Thanks so much again guys, really appreciate the feedback. Yep I fell into the classic camp of wanting to cram as much stuff in, and even with my tiny hands I can definitely see fruststion arising with the wirey mess to come. Love all the suggestions and i'm in the process of modifying @farkas plan to something tuned to my workflow, eg still would like a dedicated delay so will probably chuck that in. Thanks for taking the time out to put something together, completely unexpected and a lovely thing to do. Obviously this plan will change as my needs grow and i start experimenting but in this for long haul