Programming is just problem solving and python is one of the easier languages to get your head around - take an exisitng script and tweak it amd you'll be fine (won't break anything)

OK, that sounds less daunting! I don't have much confidence in programming ever since trying too learn visual programming with Pure Data and gave up after a few Youtube lessons.

Thanks!!! I think that's one of the main things - digital video (including Lumen, Touch Designer and digital video modules etc) always looks digital to me unless it's processed through analog hardware... it's not that it's "better" or "worse", there's just something about it... same with audio...

Definitely agree with the analogue audio analogy. Placing an OTO BAM after my Eurorack at the end of the chain totally transforms the overall sound.

haha - it is indeed - I'm liking the less noisy, subtler tracks more...

It's an album which rewards a closer listen :-)