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Thread: DivKid ochd

Yes, we have messaged several times. I have also emailed Jason several times about multiple issues. With Ochd he did replace the module, the other two I just had to walk away from.
There may have been some “loss in translation” with Instruo; however, through the multiple long emails, I believe we cleared everything up and agreed to disagree on his design and level of customer service. I feel he just plain didn't believe me about Scion. While he did offer to fix the module, this would have entailed me sending it over seas with no assurances of an actual fix. It was cheaper and easier to fix it myself. By the time Larachd broke I was over it and didn't even contact him.
Yes, it is hard for me to stomach your stating a %1 failure rate when I have a 35-40% rate of failure in my cases. I work in a clean and dedicated studio space; all power run-through conditioners and into proffesionally built cases. Maybe I live in a death hole for modules, maybe I'm just unlucky. No matter the reason I feel the general public needs to be warned about the extremely high failure rate I've witness from modern modules. My old dopfer system never had any problems in over a decade. Not sure what's changed.