Hmmm... I would disagree that modular artists are only making techno or ambient, though modular is great for those styles. I know the Melvins, for instance, just completed a modular album of Throbbing Gristle covers. Like any synth music, modular is only limited by your imagination and/or choice of modules. What kind of music are you making?
I'm kind of at the point where I don't need to shop for much gear to explore the kinds of sounds I like, so I'm not sure what's going on in the "synthfluencer" and retail world. Everything is cyclical, so I'm sure there will be ups and downs.
I've found that running everything through my rack is fun... guitars, bass, drum machines, vocals, keys, you name it. If you don't have a preamp of some sort (or multiple preamps!), get one.
This post sounds more like you are bored with the instrument you've built. The Fender Stratocaster has basically been the same for 70 years, and it's still inspiring people. Dive back into your rack and try something new.
Have fun and good luck!