Thanks for the suggestions! The problem with using a larger case for a while then trying to come up with something small, is that you want all of the tools you're used to using but you need to make them fit

I had the two filters just to give me the option of having a choice of filter. I can, though, pull out those two filters and replace it with the Morpheus from my main rack (which would give me plenty of filter options) and that would save me 4hp. I suppose the BIA doesn't really need a filter.

The uO_C is there to provide extra envelopes for modulation. I also have it there as a general toolbox. I do have a Batumi in my main case but I also have the expander module with is 3hp (I'd need to add another odd hp module if I don't want to be left with a 1hp hole taunting me).

I totally agree with getting rid of the Flexshaper. Actually, if I remove that along with the Twin Wave and the Bifold (and combining the space I save with using the Morpheus) I can use that space for a complex oscillator like the Instruo Cs-L or the Cosmotronic Vortex.

As for the amount of modulation, I wanted as much as I could get in there, especially for the NE modules which really do thrive on it.

Well, something to think about.