It's too cramped for my taste. Two filters in a case this size seems unnecessary. I would drop either the Wasp filter or the Belgrad. I'd drop the Utopia and the Flexshaper (too many cramped knobs). I'd drop all the 4hp modules. These modules aren't particularly flexible anyway since they're missing a lot of useful features. Focus on a few larger and more flexible and playable utilities.

With the extra space I'd add Make Noise Maths, Joranalogue Select 2, Happy Nerding 3xMIA, and maybe Joranalogue Compare 2. Since the Joranalogue Select 2 gives you offsets, sample&hold, AND switches, you can also drop the ADDAC215 Dual S&H.

Also, depending on what you want to do with it, I'm not sure you need the uO_c. You've got quantization built into the Usta already. XAOC Batumi would be a much more playable way to bring in more modulation, but honestly you have tons already.