Thanks Jim… I probably should have mentioned I have 2 korg sq1 sequencers and an additional external mixer. I also have a set of utilities (VCA’s Attenuators, LPG passive multiple, micro mixer) from tid bit audio that float around as needed.
Of coarse I’m trying to be space and cost conscious, and want to get the biggest bang of sonic options for the buck. I can’t be alone in that quest.
For modulation sources. I think there’s a lot of possibilities with ochd, swn, maths, rnd…and I can record modulation to morphagene. The sg1 can also offer modulation as well as the mutable instruments ears clone, Byxa. I also have a berhinger crave cowering nearby, and a couple pedals…microcosm, two stereo loopers and the new boss slice.
But I hear you. More utilities!