Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

Yes you're right about it all, I've considererd what you said and yes and I'm going to redesign from start my rack, and planning to use a Mantis rack or a Case From Lake rack (don't know why, but I like the 1U modules hehe, just maybe for utilities yeah)
About the MI modules, yes I know that, planning on buying clones on second hand modules.
Don't know why but I like the turing machine too, maybe just not use all the expanders yeah, and why not try marbles.
Same goes for ramapage and maths, I've looked up both and even now, don't know what module is best for my use (maybe I should start by knowing what I really want to do, that will surely help!), but yeah math was my first choice.
And again, you're right, same goes for the sound sources, I just wanna be sure that I had enough, but 2-3 is already enough for a rack that size I suppose?
Didn't know about the size of the modules and for the 2hp modules then, thanks for the advice!

I'll repost my rack when I'll be satisfied with it, if I could get your opinion then, would be great!

Thanks again!
