Thoroughly dry and don't force it, like Arrandan says, before attempting to energize the circuitry. This should prevent shorts, as that's the main danger. Even though you can't use heat to help dry it a shitload of dessicant packs might help, especially if you can put them inside. The secondary danger is corrosion of the curcuitry. If you can access the internals and check for sticky build up, after drying you might be able to clean some of the the residue with 90% rubbing alcohol and q-tips. Just make sure the excess dries as well.

I learned booze and synths don't mix so well after twisting a knob off of an envelope generator. Thankfully it was just a round pot shaft that had the knob glued on, but still scared me enough to stick to traditional instruments and move the electronics to a safe location, if inspiration hits after a few. Not to tell you how to live your life or anything, I just know that's a bad feeling that can be easily avoided