Hey everyone, a new video is up on my channel:

What I did for this one is have the 4 pads on pressure points each going out to 2 destination with the Hosa splitter cables, so i can use 4 fingers to control a lot of different parameters as a kind of macro control over the patch, modulating the kick mute, Rings decay, Bass Attack or Release times, Filter cutoff and more. This helps me to play on the Rhodes while being able to quickly turn around the modular into a different place.

The Dreadbox Disorder is also doing a bunch of work here, using the mix of the envelope follower, with high res filter and fuzz to give me that powerful lead sound out of the Rhodes

Patch Notes

- Rhodes MkII Stage 73 amped by Mutable Instruments Ears, using Dreadbox Disorder as Fuzz & Filter.
- NANO Modules ONA into @Stefan Tretau ST Modular Werner as bassline, sequenced by Clank Chaos with filter enveloped modulated by Pressure Points.
- Calsynth Rangoon sequenced by S.I.G. with decay modulated by Pressure Points.

- Instruō Ts-L through Patching panda Punch v3 as kick.
- Blue Noise through Takaab LPG as high-hat.

- Clank Chaos as clock divider, gate generator and random CV generator.
- Mutable Instruments Stages as envelope generator.
- Instruō Ochd as LFOs

- NANO Modules ALT as VCA's and mixer
- joeSeggiola's Nearness as panning sub-mixer.
- Cosmotronic Cosmix as mixer, using Dreadbox Splash as send effect.
- Music Thing Modular Startup as mixer and output.