Hey Shakespeare ///
Thank you so much for your feedback! This is exactly the kind of information I need!

I've had my eye on the Zadar, I just wasn't sure if it was as capable or versatile as Maths. I was definitely not excited about how much space Maths takes up in a 62hp case as it's all pretty valuable real estate. I hadn't come across the NE Versio module in my research, so I appreciate your insight, that's a great suggestion! I had thrown the Intellijel Digiverb 1u tile up top as I would love to have some reverb, I imagine the Versio is much more powerful with more control. There's also the Pico DSP (it's a mere 3hp), would that be comparable? Which Versio Module were you thinking? My thought process was that the NE Vol Ruina would be my filter, the distortion was just kind of a bonus... If I omit this module and go for a Versio would I still need a filter?

The larger case is certainly much more alluring and I feel if I don't break down and go for it now, I will eventually go that route, I just kind of like the challenge (and portability) of a smaller case! What would you add to fill out a 104hp case just out of curiosity?

Again, I can't thank you enough for your time and your words, this is all so incredibly helpful!