My request is semantic more than a feature. I'm over here in America, and everyday I drool over all the cool modules for sale in Europe and abroad. The vast majority of those modules in the market place state in their ads that they will 'ship to EU only'. I've gotten desperate enough that I sometimes reach out and ask private sellers if they would consider shipping to the US, and they usually are willing, even if the ad says no.

SO, my request is: Would it be possible to change the default 'Description of your Offer' to remove the * I will ship to xxx only. * so that sellers have to explicitly state where they will ship rather than just use the default copy that says they won't ship abroad?

I understand everyone's different, and shipping abroad can be more complicated, but over here in America we are starving for your modules, and gosh darn it, we'll pay the shipping costs!
Note: I have been trying to accrue good module karma by selling my modules to Europeans whenever they request. Is it working?

P.S. BONUS REQUEST: Also, it would be so cool to have a rack of the week 'contest' where users' racks get featured based on type of build/ number of views on a rack (or something). Basically a showcase of users' racks that encourages people to design racks that others can think about/learn from. I know I love wading through people's racks looking for cool build ideas! OK, thanks for your consideration!