@Lugia thanks for your legendary eye applied to the rack! Some great module suggestions in there - would you believe that just a few hours before you posted, I ordered several of those 2-channel micro Veils, glad we're thinking the same solution there!

I'm going to look in detail over your recommended modules that I'm not already familiar with. Definitely thinking this case would be a fun excuse to finally get a Zadar.

Agree that the Kickall and Branches just don't have much place here. I'm still interested in finding a way to work in the Mutable Ears because there's something appealing about tapping on the corner of my case, lol.

In my previous post I mention that I might take this in the direction of a MIDI-controlled polysynth with an external keyboard. Let me start working up a hybrid of your suggestions + the MIDI direction I'm exploring!

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For my baby daughter Luna who fought very hard to be here