Check the height of the Palette cause the 2hp modules are tall.

If you are going to be tweaking your filter I'd get something like C4RBON with actual pots and not trimmers. Also, more versatile.

Micro Ornament and Crime would be great in a small setup like this, worth a look.

-- obscuremachines

Good call! The palette is more shallow at either end so I have to move the fx and clock further in.

The C4RBN sounds amazing! Definitely gonna add that. Got the space for it as well with Twin Waves replacing MCO + the quantizer as CurioKid recommended.

The uO_C also looks super powerful, although there's something about the Zadar design I really like..

I think this is where I'm at for now:

Get a larger case. You also want more utility modules.
-- sacguy71

Would you recommend substituting the Maths for more specified utility? I thought with having stages covering s+h, and the two 1U units at the top, Maths would be a great wildcard for all the other utility I'd need.

I'm quite fond of the palette, unless it's impossible, I think I want to try come up with a nice system within the size restriction.