The Moogs aren't in the Eurorack cab? Good! Also, as for the discontinued Mutable Kinks module, have a look at this: 2 hp wider, but it's a treasure-trove of utility submodules hiding behind 6 hp and does a few other things the Kinks didn't.

So...OK, let's mess with this...
ModularGrid Rack
Well, now...I started with the original above plus some of the modules you'd suggested. The only major thing I got rid of was the second O&c. Then I just started whipping some of the faves in here...

TOP: Triple buffered mult first, as this is heading into "CV sag" territory without one. Doubled the Dixie2+ VCO, dropped the Rubicon2 in after that. The Quad VCA is next, then one of two Doepfer stereo mixers to set up stereo placement. Then the Salmple, with another Doepfer stereo mixer so that you can take your individual outs from the sampler and mix/pan them to taste. I opted next for a Malekko/Wiard Dual Borg so that you can choose between the two circuits, plus if you want LPGs, it does those. Then the other stereo filter is one of Rossum's Linnaeus dual VCFs, which has some very crazy modulation capabilities, including TZFM.

MIDDLE: Konstant Labs PWRchekr so you can keep an eye on your DC rails. The Liivatera noise source follows, then I went for THE random/s&h/etc source: a Tiptop/Buchla Source of Uncertainty. I added a SSF Tool Box for lots of extra submodule utilities, then the remaining O&c. I put in a 4ms Quad Pingable LFO...four CVable and/or pingable LFOs with a max cycle time of around 71 minutes, great for really slow changes across entire tracks or even an entire live set. Maths after that, then I put the Tangle Quartet here since it's got DC-coupled linear VCAs...a perfect fit with modulation signals. I paired this with a Tiptop MISO for modulation manipulation. Envelope gens are a Quadrax + Qx and then a Xaoc Zadar + Nin for longer/complex envelopes.

BOTTOM: Crow, Pam's, then we're into a set of modules for clock manipulation and Boolean logic: an Eowave quad clock delay, a Ladik dual random clock skipper, Frequency Central's Logic Bomb for the Boolean gates, a Xaoc Bytom for a pulse integrator, then a dual window comparator from Joranalogue. And along with that last one, there's a Ladik Min/Max CV averager and one of their Median averagers, both to extract new CVs from the behavior of incoming ones. After that is a quad quantizer so that you can apply a clock and then use sequencer or modulation CV behavior to derive pitch tesselations. And speaking of sequencers, I put in an Intellijel Metropolix (RYK175-type sequencer). Now, if I remember right, it has internal quantization...but if not, you've got a pair of quants for it and still two more for the above use. Output mixer is a Toppobrillo Stereomix2, which gives you CV over level via the VCAs per input, CVable panning and AUX sends. It also has a mono-in/stereo-out FX bus, muting per channel, and a CUE function that feeds the headphone preamp so that you can touch up things live while no one's the wiser. That AUX bus works great with the Purrtronics spring emulator, which has the same mono-in/stereo-out configuration. And lastly, the XLR outs.

This is how I would approach this, of course...but to me, this seems like a very solid, capable, and comprehensive build. And you can see the "up left/down right" structure...the modulation row does run out to the entire 125 hp, but the "voicing" runs in the left to right signal chain, plus your "control" signals from the Crow and/or Metropolix feed upward on the left side (more or less), and the audio result runs down the right to the Stereomix2.

One other note: if the Purrtronics isn't to your taste, you could easily substitute a Clouds clone that fits the same 8 hp hole. Just one more possibility...