I can do ducking with Boundary or Cascade, but that takes away their use as my main envelope generators. I have rarely found myself using the octal VCA because there are built in VCAs in the Boundary, Cascade, Doepfer LFO, and I have the Tangled Quartet as well as Skis in the drum skiff. Quantas Ampla would only eliminate 4 VCAs out of 17 total and give me the ability to duck four channels at once with one gate synced to the kick which the Bastl Tea Kick has a square out as well as the kick out. It will be a while before I can afford to get Data Bender, so I will continue to use the O&C and Tides and see what I can get out of them. I haven't used Tides as a VCO yet, so maybe that's what tonight will bring!