Thank you so much for your comments! I love this community already! I think while you get lost in your research about modules etc it is good to have a reality check, which you definetely gave me! Also one has to be careful that GAS is not hitting, but I already learned my lessons buying and selling guitar pedals and have now just a handful which do the job.

First of all, modular synth are in my (very limited) opinion the place to live your creativity to the fullest (given enough space and money). Having that said, I would like to start out with something where I spend my 1500 - 2000 Euro/$ and have a system I can begin with exploring. You all make a good point about getting a bigger case and maybe Lugia is right that I shouldn't just copy what some person on YT does (well I liked the sound, but it might be that I will go some other way eventually). Also I get your point about the shiny LEDs on the NE stuff, I totally see that to be very annoying.

Also thank you sacguy71 for sharing your intellijel setup, looks interesting and I will get some inspiration. Might be as well that I just end up getting the DB-01 combined with my Digitakt. No, I think want to go Modular and explore this space!

Do you have any suggestions for must haves (modular-wise) in a setup that kinda has a DB-01 (303) character but also leaves room for some more weird and melodic stuff? I know thats very broad, but at this point I just wanna get some directions to do more research before I come up with a second version of my initial idea and eventually do my first buys. Great thing about modular is the possibility for endless expansion!