Build = $7110 on modules alone, add another $1200 for the cab, so $8310 or thereabouts. Maybe. Could be worse, actually.

Two Moog Matriarchs + Two Korg SQ-1s = $4658 street.

Result makes no fiscal sense at all to implement. Technically, the entire build itself is redundant.

What would be FAR more sensible would be to get the Matriarchs and SQ-1s (or wait for Uli to start kicking out the BCR32s), then use a smaller cab such as a Mantis to add modules to arrive at that "more functionality". Otherwise, this is a very expensive exercise in why one doesn't build polyphonic modulars unless you have a laundry hamper or two full of Benjamins lying around. The smaller build can also contain a number of modules that can let the Matriarchs link in various ways for a full-on eight voices with a lot of extra "trickery", plus extra FX processors to beef up their sound.