I'll echo Jim here: Bigger case, more utilities! You see a buttload of these microbuilds on YouTube, and either they're done by someone who thinks they know what they're doing BUT DON'T...or they're done by companies that want to sell you these silly-ass mini cases (coughcoughPerfectCircuitcough). Yes, they work GREAT if you need to add a few specific modules to an existing rig, but beyond that...nope. To his credit, Ricky Tinez is one of the very few synth-Tubers who HAVE said that these are "mission-specific" when you're (usually) building in a small cab like a Palette 62. The rest just seem to slap these things up with no comprehension that beginner modular synthesists need SPACE and need a WIDE selection of possibilities to explore, not merely some bespoke micro-box that's really set up for only a handful of uses.