Thank you so much, Lugia! I am going to chuck the RML Fuzz into my original case and I can use it from there if I really need it. So if you have a suggested use for the space, I am all ears. I had gotten it so my daughter could pump her guitar into it and have some fun. I am not sure what will eventually fill that space. I appreciate your advice on all of this. A bunch of the Erica modules I picked up used early in my journey, someone sold them all as a group and the price was hard to pass up. I can sell them and not lose any money. I hadn't considered a bunch of the modules you have laid out, but I will be setting some alerts to pick most of them up. I have been looking for a Quadrax for some time. Damn chip shortages.
I am going to start rearranging things this week.
I love this case. I picked it up used, at basically half price. The utility row is very helpful and I am doing lots of experiments to learn how to best use it. The mixers with OR, AND and INV are super helpful as are the buffered mults.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to help me with this.

EDIT: Is there a risk to using TRS cables? Just curious, I hadn't really thought much about it. I was using the Cockpit 2 "mixer" to pull in a few stereo sources outside the rack and add them to mono modular voices.